Lucy asked for some photos of the angels in front of the log cabin quilt; I adore these angels. They were in a booth at the Yellow Daisy Festival years ago, which is one of the top-rated craft shows in the country, and is held in Stone Mountain Park in Atlanta. I went into "I found a treasure" mode when I spotted these cute angels wearing their antique quilt top dresses made of such cute fabric, and asked the craftswoman, "now are you sure these are all you have left with this fabric? absolutely sure??" :-). Great fabrics, don't you think?
And I've been wondering; when you use Bloglines or, sorry, it's early and I forget the other notification service, you can't match a comment to the post, can you. I wish Bloglines and others would list the date of the post along with the comment.
Here is one of my alternate BOMs for LQS.
She's so cute.
I'm having trouble with Bloglines. :(
I can see why you bought all the angels they had - they are wonderful - now I want one :)
Ooohhhh . . . I'd give my eye teeth for one of those angels. I love them!!!! Not sure what you mean about the comments and bloglines. I get a notification from bloglines that a blog is updated. I click on the name of the blog. The blog opens and I can read the posting and all the related comments. Nothing seems to be disconnected. It works beautifully for me.
Oh those angels are adorable! I especially love the middle one! What a marvelous find!
Not sure I understand what you want to do in bloglines. Sorry.
Oh, those angels are to die for! Wonder if the crafter has a website?
The angels are just as sweet as can be. I can see why you just had to have them.
Bloglines has been a little stubborn with me. While it does show updates, it may be a day or two after the actual post. Hopefully it will sort out.
Oh, you did find some treasures, Karen! They exude so much character!
those are so precious and so if your LQS block!
I looked at all three and tried hard to pick a favorite - couldn't do it - they are absolutely wonderful. And, they are so YOU!
I love your angels...they are just wonderful. What treasures they are. The quilt is wonderful as well.
I'm having trouble with the photos on bloglines. In this post I could see the BOM but not the angels.
Love the angels and the doll block!
I have the item clicked that allows an email notification for each comment and that helps me know which comment goes with each post.
Your blocks for Judy's quilt looks gorgeous.
The angels are adorable.
omg, I have a friend at my quilting guild who has a face EXACTly like that top angel... lol
And your platform blocks are coming along just great!
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