Time to make two more Stars Around the Garden blocks, one for each set. This set is so well-behaved, block completed without crisis:
Here is the group so far. Really am not sure how to set them or what to do for the central medallion. I guess I could actually follow the
pattern and make the central floral applique for it, but let me know if you have any attractive notions. I have a lot of the background fabric and the one with the pears on it:
EQ can be a little trickster. You have to remember to check the size block it is going to print out templates for. I have this notion that it should remember what size I'm doing in which project file, but it remembers whatever you printed out last time, no matter which project. I did not look and did not realize until it was almost assembled that I was creating a 6" finished block, not the 9" finished block that I needed. Oh well, maybe I'll put the miniaturized one on the back next to the label.
My little pal Rembrandt:
Oh pleeese, pleeeeeeeese play with me:
Rembrandt discovered the fireplace screen today. She pulls it towards her with her teeth:
and watches it swing back and forth until it comes to a full stop:
Uh oh wouldn't want to come across
this on a dark rainy night: