Poor Sweet Ginger is wishing she had an early Christmas quilt to lie on.
So I'm making her this one. The fabric is Christmas Village from Clothworks, decorated with stash fabrics; pattern is Prairie Window. Has anybody made this pattern? I've always admired it and finally have one in Real Life.
Dear Jane block....
I love that Prairie Window design - is that the whole quilt top - what a way to showcase a fabric you don't want to cut into too much
OMG, where did you get the tortise and the hare fabric? I LOVE it!!
No I have never seen that pattern before. I like it. Very nice winter quilt. I like DJ block. The fabric is adorable and you fussy cutting is great.
The Prairie Window quilt looks really nice. It seems like a great way to really feature a fabric.
What a wonderful DJ block! So cute :)
Ginger will be thrilled to sleep on the new Christmas quilt. I love your latest Dear Jane block! Such cute fabric.
I really love the way you are fussy cutting fabrics for your Dear Jane blocks. This is going to be such a fascinating quilt when complete!
What a wonderful way to use this fabric - the perfect sitting for a little village! I've just put some of this fabric in my basket at FatQuarter and now I know I must buy it. I haven't seen the Prairie Window before - I'll have to try it!
What a lucky kitty. I love that tortoise and hare fabric. Where did you find it?
Atlanta is a little over an hour away from me. How neat is that? I have really enjoyed my visit with you.
Your blocks are beautiful! and Ginger looks like my Bilbo....
That DJ block is just too cute with that fabric! How fun to add a bit of whimsy to such a complex pattern.
Lucky Kitty! Also love the fabrics.
I don't think that DJ block could be any cuter! It is darling. I am loving how all your blocks are turning out. Your fabric choices are so unique and work so well.
Oh and your new finished quilt! You did a beautiful job. I really need to get busy so I can someday have some of your skills! Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh boy - are we counting down to Christmas already . . . I know I should be thinking about it, but I just can't quite yet. Love the quilt - it's a great pattern *s*
I hope Ginger is enjoying her "Prairie Windows" quilt. That was my first published pattern (Oct 2007) and it's the best seller so far. I actually designed it several years ago for my annual National Quilters Day retreat.
Anne Wiens
Sweetgrass Creative Designs
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