It's this one. Can somebody tell me what this is (sorry not a very good pic)? It's on the tip of my mind:

Finally took my Designer1 to be serviced. It hasn't stitched right for ages and haven't been using it, so there has little or no machine quilting. It felt so odd to meander again, as if there were no way at all to move around on the fabric. Isn't this the cutest map fabric and ticking for the binding?

Only one row of binding to tack down by hand on this. I just know I can make myself do it. PoorpoorGinger doesn't even have to move:

Since Baskets of Posies is done, I'm going to sub in my two Stars Around the Garden quilts for my Charming Challenge (not to put in the drawing or anything, just for me as a way to get myself to get it done):

I can't believe how small that star is. It looks great to me.
I've seen that fabric, too, but I don't remember the name. I will look at my stash tonight.
My little dog, Gracie, loves to sit on my lap while I do my hand binding. Especially in winter - she is under the quilt! I'm always worried that I will poke her with the needle. So far no blood! LOL
Sorry I cannot help you with your fabric search...but it is gorgeous stuff, no matter! Mmm-mm-mm.
Love that map fabric too! Very cool!
I like the saying on those DJ rulers - better finished than perfect. That might be paraphrased, but I like the thought. Such a cute tinee star!!
The star is tiny. I am trying to think on which blog I just saw this star block they had just made. Can't remember. Anyhow, finished is better than not.
I can't identify the fabric.
I have some of the map fabric. I think that is a Fig Tree fabric on that one but you didn't ask that, did you!
so little!
oh I have that fabric in the last picture I am planning on using it a border too!
amazing fabric isn't it?
Wow, that's a tiny star! I really like your basket quilt.
can help with the tiny star.......sorry........but your other quilts are lovely.......
You have been such a busy bee Karen, I'm just amazed at your productivity.
The mystery fabric looks kind of familiar, but I'm just not sure. I think I used something like that on the back of the quilt, but it was such a long time ago it's probably not the same one. Hope you find it.
No idea on the fabric, but WOW, very impressive tiny little star.
Love your tiny star! I did a fast look through the book and it doesn't look like it gets any smaller then this. :)
You must have a lot more patience than I do to make a block that small. My fat little chubby fingers wouldn't cooperate with me on that one. Love both of the tops!
That star is so tiny! I'm impressed with the star and all the other projects!
Your Posies quilt is ADORABLE! And, I love your Stars Around the Garden quilts, too! I can't wait to see them all quilted and bound. Way to get those UFO's finished!
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