Not recent, but not sure if I've posted:
Also got caught up on Stickle blocks, helped along by Anina's Fourth of July holiday, thank goodness:

Here is my stack of quilts that only need the bindings or quilting in some cases. Just think, one simple binding, or quilting and binding, for each standing between me and tossing these quilts all over the house to be seen and used. I'm hoping that Blog Exposure will help me to sew on these bindings and eliminate the stack, left prominently right in front of my sewing machine:

Love the fabrics in both the Circuit Rider and the Stickle..especially the plaid.
Nice work!
Have a Happy 4th!
Your stack of quilts needing bindings looks like mine! I've reached an all time high - 7 quilts. This weekend I am making binding...lots and lots of binding. What is worse I know I made binding for several of these when I made the quilttop but can I find the darn stuff now? Nope...but I am sure it will jump out at me as soon as the last stitch with the new binding is done! Oh, well....
Beautiful blocks! Both quilts will be very stunning.
OK, I have two quilts ready to hand sew the binding down, which I am hoping to get done next week while I'm at my sewing fest. How about you set a goal to get at least 2 bindings sewn on with the machine? I bet you can do that.:)
All your blocks are wonderful! I need to get working on my civil war diary blocks again.
Wonderful blocks! I have two quilts that need binding too. Maybe this month I'll get around to it.
Your Circuit Rider blocks are much different than mine in color choice. And I like how you are fussy cutting parts. All very good.
There must be an epidemic of binding-itis, Karen! Seems everyone I've talked to lately has a stack similar to yours. And I even brought home four shop samples this weekend that just need the bindings. They are on the list, along with a dozen other things, to do Sunday and Monday. Hope you had a fun 4th!
The blocks are breathtaking. I haven't been in the mood to applique in a long time, but those Circuit Rider blocks are really speaking to me. Ver nice.
Hi Karen, Boy you sure can get a lot done in 1 day, plus all the blog stuff. Whew! your fingers must be on fire. All beautiful as usual. I especially like the fussy cut little pots. Nancy
your quilt blocks in the circuit rider quilt are wonderful. are you using a predominant fabric line for it?
LOVE the CR blocks! And I am so impressed with all the UFOs that you are tackling! I just got three of mine to the quilters recently, and one was my Lincoln's Platform! It feels so good to get them done!
wow lots of great blocks!
oh yes I am considering making the circuit rider quilt too
why not?
right just start another project
Love seeing your blocks and the fabrics you chose...mine...yes red and green :)
I bought the same tin Patriotic sign!!!
You will find out why I bought it toward the end of the year. Yes, it is a fabric tease.
Happy to see you get so many quilts finished - you really burned into them - you have to feel good.
Every time you post a 'Jane' block, I want to get the book out, but don't have time. Oh well.
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