but last week there was a Distasteful Agenda and no other quilting happened. The guys in the house next door happen to run a heavy duty construction business out of the house. This violates code. Code Enforcement does not care. A few feet from my house and a few inches from my driveway, there is constant activity involving two or more large diesel-engine trucks (one beeps as it is being backed up the loooooong driveway) that are kept running in the driveway with the sickening diesel fumes filling my house, a flat-bed trailer and a hard-sided utility trailer, two employees, two owners, two yellow cars (all vehicles carry the business name on the side), and a carport kept crammed with construction debris including toilets, fixtures, lumber. Years ago, Code Enforcement apparently encouraged them to move out, which they did for about a year, then one sad day they returned and C.E. has done nothing from that day to this despite my pleas.
I began to try again on this last Sunday. I don't know what things are like where you live, but in DeKalb County, Georgia, Code Enforcement has the endearing quality of looking for something to cite you for when you make a complaint.
Last time I complained about all of this, they cited me for having a picnic table on my patio. I am serious. They said it was furniture. Here is the picnic table, still guilty and on the patio:

I just want you to gaze upon this picnic table. I'm sure you can see where this is more important than a construction business being run out of a house in a subdivision. Discrimination towards women? I'm just askin'.
Last time I complained about this business, the owners did some hollering at me and stormed on to my property saying they were going to "set me straight", upon which I called 911 and relayed the request to stop hollering and to stay off my property. Since then, I don't venture out into the yard if they are around, which is much of the time, so it's been hard to do any yard work. Since I knew if nothing else, Code Enforcement would be sure to come out to my property looking for any disruptive picnic tables, I spent about 12 hours total doing heavy yard work, putting a pile of leafy and branchy refuse on the street that rivaled Stone Mountain. I have to at least try to foil them, eh?
Dear Reader, I could barely move this morning. Oh, the tearing muscles in leg and stomach. I am almost 60 after all. This called for ibuprofen and epsom salts with rosemary in a hot tub:
I only take showers. Rembrandt was shocked by this tub water and by me sitting in it. Naturally I enticed her with a sprig of rosemary:

These guys have also been encroaching somewhat on the property line, if memory serves me correctly of where it's located. There was an encounter with one of the employees a few days ago that required another 911 call and a police report as I stood from my property taking a picture of the business sign on the side of the truck he was backing into the driveway...among the many foul and cursing things he was swearing at me, including that he would kill my cat [Gaston goes outside for short periods, well, he used to], he was shouting at me not to take his picture. Hmm wonder why a recent immigrant would object to that, hmmm? He came on to my property a few feet during this. So I am having a surveyor come out tomorrow to stake the line partway back and I will build a fence, which unfortunately can only be four feet tall. I'm planning seven fence sections, which means digging eight post holes and putting the posts in. I have found that I can't lift an 80-lb. bag of concrete any more. Isn't it typical that after being home all summer, DS is currently on a Florida beach?
So Dear Reader, I hope to report in a few days that I have somehow gotten this fence put up. Who knows about the code violation, but I'm going to work on it. Have contacted the Commissioner's Office (haven't heard a thing back) and Dale Russell, TV government watchdog (haven't heard a thing back).
Sorry to hear about your troubles with the construction people. Do you have an elected official for your area, like a city councilman? Can you enlist the neighbors for help?
Ha! The word verification for this is "resting." I hope you will be resting today!
Such aggravation should be outlawed! I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, but just keep plugging away and eventually 'someone' will hear you! Our nemesis was a family next door with 2 drug-dealing sons - every time they breathed we called the police until they finally caught them! Luckily we're on 3 acres so they at least weren't right in our face like your pests are! Hang in there!
The Fence sounds like a really good idea. You really gotta get that picnic table back in line. I wouldn't hesitate to call the police anytime you feel threatened or in danger. Try calling immigration. I bet they will be scared of that.
It is a sign of the times that laws are ignored. But they just keep makin' em! Drives me crazy that some people come here without documentation and run us down, and we welcome them with benefits! I must stop now lest this becomes a distasteful rant.
Best of luck to you dear, I know it isn't easy these days.
Huh? A picnic table on your patio? How radical! Hope everything settles down soon.
That Rembrandt is so darn cute! Sorry to hear about your neighbors. I have a nasty neighbor too. They don't have loud machinery, they just don't do anything. Their yard is full of old lawnmowers, a defunct pool, and piles of brush. This must be the week for falls. I fell too, up the stairs, with a box in my hands. Not a pretty sight. Hope you get to feeling better soon! If I was close, I would come help you with your fence!
Wow, this is a distressing thing to go through. My prayers are going up for you and for Gaston. I do hope you can enlist at least some support from other neighbors. Bullies and 'less than' government support is a sad state too common in this world. Keep safe and pick your battles well.
I hate what you are going through, and I hope it gets better soon. The fence should help. I am amazed that you can tease your cat with rosemary, soak in a bath AND take great pictures! May happy quilting days return soon. Karmen
Such an awful and demoralizing situation to be in. I hope that someone will take up the cause with you and restore the peace and quiet to your home that you deserve. I be thinking nothing but positive thoughts for you *s*
Not a good situation and to the degree that it is uncomfortable for you to be outside in your own yard?! By chance does your son still have friends in the area that are willing to help with the fence? I'm just amazed you would get written up for a picnic table, can only have a short fence and yet I could just imagine the appearances at the neighbor's home. I'm kinda guessing that you may want to install a camera so you can watch activity from inside your home and record it if you have to. They don't sound like people I would want to deal with after their threats. Document times and dates...document everything and take pictures. Good Luck!
We once lived "close enough" to a bunch of drunks in a house that had a good 6 to 10 German Shepherd's running the neighborhood while while they were passed out drunk sleeping on their old couches parked in the front yard! They had motorcycles and car engines reving up all the time because they worked on them in the yard. All the neighbors kept calling the SPCA on them....it took forever to finally get them gone. But we were all after them and it worked.
Oh Karen - I feel so sorry for you, writing this from over here in the UK my knowledge of US law is minute and obviously less than helpful but I feel sure that they shouldn't be causing a public nuisance in a residential area. There's a lot of truth in the phrase 'Good job you can pick your friends 'cos you can't pick your relations or your neighbours'. Sending good thoughts and supportive hugs across the pond because no-one should have the right to make a neighbour feel miserable in their own home (((hugs)))
What a horrible thing for you to go through - it really angers me that these bullies can get away with doing the wrong thing over and over, and law abiding people have to struggle to get a hand. Grrr ...
I hope things settle for you - wish I was closer to come over and give you a hand.
Hey - I don't mean to alarm you but watch your back with this group. And, keep all cats inside the house. Those guys will cause you harm so document everything and keep calling the authorities. A restraining order might not be a bad idea. I also like the idea of a fence and a security camera.
I love the picnic table. Keep it out there 'cuz next time I come down I would love to have sweet tea with you!
OK, but a camera in the bathtub? And what about the weed? Hmmm.
Some suggestions. Attend city/county council meetings, contact your local state representative and senator, go to the mayor's office if you live in the city, go to the county courthouse and ask questions. But above all else, do not let them intimidate you! Always have a cell phone on you when outside. Persue this if it is important to you for peace of mind and home comfort. You are worth it!
Oh dear. You really do need that relaxing rosemary bath! I love seeing Rembrant on the bathtub rim. And your toes poking out of the water!
Just a thought...since he threatened to kill your cat could you contact the animal control or humane society? Good luck with the fence!
Oh, Karen
I hope you are feeling better and that something can be done about your unfortunate neighbours. It sounds absolutely and totally aggravating
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