I so enjoyed seeing JudyL's three quilts that she has entered in the Do You EQ? contest. I did a design for the contest a few months ago (titled "Neighborhood"; the HSTs block is the town square), but sadly these are the only blocks done (!). Finished with work at school yesterday, so there is some free time. If I devoted all of it for the next few weeks to this quilt, could I get it done???
There are other duties. For one thing, I received a letter from Georgia Revenue yesterday saying that I owe $713 from 2004. Could I really have made such a huge mistake with such a small income? So I have to look over the return and try to understand.
I am rather new to working in a school system, so this is my first opportunity to have the summer free while still being gainfully employed. Last summer, the schedule was a rather schizophrenic work-one-week-off-one-week, which was fun, of course, but this time, it is the real thing. It was a rough year. It is very challenging to work in a school.
1. Summer Break: time to walk, time to garden, time to say more than Hi have you done everything you need to do? do I need to do anything? to my son, time to QUILT
2. My son raised his math SAT score from 79th percentile to 85th percentile
3. To have the ear injury problem subside a bit
Your house blocks are adorable. I love your color choices. My DS and FDIL are both studying to be teachers. They can't wait to have a summer off, although I doubt they will. They will probably find part-time jobs to stay busy.
Hi there! Thank you re my blocks. I worked out a schedule last night of what I would have to do to get the quilt done by the 16th: formidable LOL. Yes, that's the thing with teachers, how much of a break do they really get, because most of them either work during the summer or take classes. I'll be doing a little work myself this summer. Karen
I love those blocks! you did a great job designing them as well as the fabric choices.
These look beautiful - wonderful old feel to them. Good luck getting it all together.
I hate taxes. I'm all for the National Sales Tax - you spend more you pay more. Nice and easy. Of course I'm living overseas at the moment heh heh heh.
Hi Karen,
I came to your blog following a link from your signature on a message on the applewood bom group. I'm doing Moondance and Lilibeth's Garden this year. Your house blocks are really pretty. I just skimmed your other posts and it seems like you do the same thing as I do - going back and forth working on lots of things. You're welcome to visit my blog anytime.
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