Although my Dear Jane Triangle Days are not yet over. Must get back to the rest of those triangles one of these days. You see that in this block, I abandoned the idea of having the four Ts show up and just did whatever. One fabric is the from the new Jo Morton Hurrah and one is from Blue Hill American Independence.
The first installment of my LQS class, Study in Amish, met on Thursday, and I loved presenting information on characteristics of Lancaster Amish quilts!
I presented about 50 quilts and other images via a slide show and we worked on the little Lancaster Diamond in the Square pattern that came with the class (available on my website). These four little patterns also have an info sheet about regional characteristics of that particular pattern.
I'm looking forward to the next installment, Holmes County, so if you would like to sign up for the remaining classes, please call or visit Little Quilts in Marietta; they will pro-rate the class tuition for you.
This comparison shows how it is thought that the Center Square Lancaster Amish quilt design derived from the earlier Center Medallion design made in England and the eastern coast of early America:

Here is a detail from an Amish quilt made in Holmes County that shows characteristics typical of that region. Attend my class to hear more!

For next time, I'm interested in showing both Lancaster and Holmes County, Ohio, quilts side by side, to highlight the differences between the two region's quilts.
Timmy deployed yesterday. I have a funny text exchange that I was going to post, but I just don't feel very funny at the moment. Maybe later. I have two ways to send a message to him, so am going to write to him later today. Forge on.
Your block looks great Karen, I especially love the fabrics you've chosen.
Didn't take me long to fall behind, I have only made blocks 1 and 2. I'll catch up soon enough ... I hope!
Oh how I wish I were close enough to join your class! Those Amish quilts are just DELICIOUS *s*
I'll be keeping both you and your Marine in my thoughts.
I like our CW block alot!!
I checked a bookout from our library recently on Amish quilts from different areas. I was trying to find out if they quilted with matching thread, black thread, or white thread. Do you have an answer on that?
If I was closer I'd take the class!
I wish Timmy well and will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.
Thinking of you and of him - (((hugs)))
Been a looooong time, hun, so I've scrolled down to before Christmas and read all of your posts!
Never a dull moment in your life, is there? I laughed at the Kyle story, heard similar to that in this house with people turning up unexpectedly and then staying days and somehow developing into a party!!
Laughed again at your stencilled stars! Very nifty! I was on BB's blog the other day, and very interested in her stories of the time, but think I won't even try the quilt. I'll fall behind due to other comittments and then get disappointed. Lovely Idea though. Your history really interests me, always has done.
Your classes sound interesting too,and I was interested in the snippets of info you shared. Unfortunately I woun't be stopping by for a class to hear the rest!!!
And the snow! Snow?
Anyhow, Your Timmy is added to my prayer list (which was just one part of the reason I read everything, I wanted to know what was happening with him) and you yourself remember the War slogan: 'Keep Calm and Carry On'...Quilting!
Take care of yourself!
Oops, sorry for the essay!
I wish I could take your Amish class! I love your fabric choices on the CW block.
Prayers for you and Timmy!
thinking of you and keep your chin up this kid is going to be fine!
He has wanted to be a marine forever and I can only imagine he is going to be an incredible marine.
sending you a cyber hug ;)
I love your CW block! Wonderful fabrics. I am really enjoying this BOW.
Timmy and you will be in my thoughts.
I wish I was close enough to attend your Amish class. It sounds just great! I love the history coupled with quilting. You did a wonderful job of fussy cutting your latest civil war block. I hope you keep getting funny messages from Timmy and will be praying for a safe return for him and comfort for you while he's away.
Is that a pink?
(Hugs on/to Timmy.)
Your CW block is awesome. As the Mom of a son who has been deployed several times, I am thinking about you. We are all proud of our service men and women.
I love your CW block. It is perfect!
can't wait for more on the amish comparison - the basket quilt is lovely.
Sending good thoughts about Timmy -
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