Being disgustingly lazy, I stenciled Barbara Brackman's appliqued CW block #3:

If anybody is interested in the design I used for the block, I uploaded it to
Google Docs.
Here is the quilt line-up so far:

Here is an antique Seven Sisters block that I bought years ago in Indiana. It is a singleton orphan block. Well, they didn't put the 7th star in the center:

Stenciling, very clever! This quilt is going to be beautiful. I love the
Seven Sisters block. Don't you love how she put her own stamp on the block by leaving out the center? Looks like it needs to be framed! What do you plan to do with it?
Unique idea...looks very nice! Don't you love the colors in the Seven Sisters block?
Love the creativity (and beautiful results)! Karmen
A brilliant solution for people who don't do applique.
That's a really good idea. I don't mind applique but you had a great idea.
Oh you are a clever one! I love that vintage block--and cheddar!
love that vintage blocks oh that cheddar makes me smile!!!
Great solution for non appliquers!
love how your showing the blocks in the quilt layout so far. hope your having a great weekend
about that "missing sister" block...
as you would say..."I DIE"
it is so fabulous...
are you going to quilt it as is?
wouldn't it be lovely with a pile of vintage valentines scattered in the center?
atop a vintage heart-shaped chocolate box?
in the center of an old oak kitchen farm table?
(oh wait...was that me just coveting and dreaming?)
staying indoors for extended periods
...brings out the worst in me...
i thought of you...
staying home...
NOT at your job last week...
and it made me smile...
Do you think the maker/intended recipient maybe only had 6 sisters? No matter the story - I LOVE it!
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