The feather above is supposed to be in the outer border, so please imagine it that way, sketcher's mind wandered..

I think I like this one the best, simple crosshatching and baptist fans.
Found the backing, mottled gold below, for this quilt on Saturday while working at LQS:
I suppose the quilting won't show up much on the right side, but just think how neat it will look on the back against the mottled gold. The fabrics above have been languishing in stash for years and I'm so delighted to have used them at last because I've always just adored the prints.
More quilt show photos:
Lovely, every one of them. Thanks.
Wonderful log cabin! Why haven't I made that style yet? It's so classic.
I especially love the quilting around the applique basket, I love heavy quilting. It's gorgeous.
Wow, some good quilt photos! I especiall like the pink log cabin and the courthouse steps below it!
I'm looking forward to seeing your Lazy Afternoon quilt. Thanks for sharing the great quilt show photos!
More of those fabulous birds! And I love the log cabin with the little fairy. All of the photos are wonderful, thankyou so much for sharing with us.
Been a while since I was able to sit and really surf; have missed your lively engaging style; now to pore over your luscious and yummy pics and writing.
OOOOO - look at all those sketches of quilting! I like the last one best too. But I always tend toward the more simple geometric type of quilting. Grids my favorite!
I love the quilt show pics of the one where the inner border turns into a tree - that is very cool!
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