I was glued to the Weather Channel for a few days as they said a hundred year storm was coming to the entire eastern U.S. coast. I didn't hear from Timothy before Irene's U.S. landfall, which, I would like to point out, was probably about 11 feet from his Marines barracks right on the ocean in Jacksonville NC. Once landfall was underway there, I figured there was definitely no chance of a call. At what was probably the storm's height there, the phone rang. Timmy was confined to the room, water was blowing in around the door (which opens to the ocean and a flimsy catwalk). There was water running down the walls because he is on the top floor and the roof was leaking, the power was out, and he only had one book. He was bored, so we talked for an hour.
Those Marines! After Jim had survived the Battle for Fallujah and Iraq, he was at LeJeune when Katrina hit in the Gulf. They sent a bunch of Marines to help post hurricane. I received a call from him saying that Rita was coming in (also a cat 4) and that he was being put on a ship to sail out and try to get behind it so they could follow her in. That would enable them to be first on the ground to help after she hit. I know the Marines are good, but nobody can mess with Mother Nature!!
Also, Tim isn't exagerating about the barracks, they were shameful when Jim was there, poorly maintained.
Love the fabrics in your CW block--very dramatic.
So glad Timmy is OK, if bored.
I'm glad he's back, I'm glad that he was ok to the point of boredom during Irene. I've been following I's progress and thinking of all those folks affected.
And it was just lovely for you to chat to Tim for an hour! He really does sound a gas guy!! (it that too Irish a colloquialism?? it means with character and entertaining, sorta...)
You make the best Civil War blocks.
Was it a cell phone or a land line? During Ike I called my family from Austin and woke them up! The land line never went out.
They must be pretty confident that those building can withstand the storm. They don't have to give them 1st class accommodations, but they should at least do basic maintenance.
Bored is good *s* Glad that nothing worse than being a little water logged was all the event brought his way!
Don't you love that they still call mom? I love when my kids are bored because that's seems to be when they think of me. I hope he has dried out by now. ;)
Your CW block is wonderful! Love those fabrics together.
Better bored than being so busy that there's no time to talk to Mom.
So glad Timmy is well. Our gov. brags about how proud they are of our troops--the best in the world--then let them fend for themselves in a hurricane. Something is wrong with both parties here! And it has ever been thus.
Thankful that Timothy was able to call you. Not knowing if our children are okay is a horrible feeling. Love your latest CW block!
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