
A Finish: Coverlet Wall Quilt

With safety pin basting help from others...

I finished my Coverlet Wall Quilt. A finish, Peg!


Betsy said...

Beautufil and very unique. I have never seen anything like this. Where did you get your inspiration?

Gretchen said...

Love your quilt! It's just beautiful. Rembrandt is at that wonderful kitten stage where everything is interesting and must be played with. TOO CUTE!!!

Judy said...

Oh every time I see this cat, I see my pretty baby Jessie I had for 20 years they could be twins!

Anonymous said...

Oh, your quilt is beautiful! What a cute helper you have.

MARCIE said...

I adore that coverlet quilt! As Sundance once said to Butch, "You have vision and the rest of us wear spectacles"!

Malagueta said...

Great design and use of the fabrics. It does look repurposed from coverlets!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Karen...amazing..very striking..well done and congratulations...

Libby said...

What a terrific design - you are amazing *s*

Anonymous said...

The coverlet is gorgeous! Love those fabrics.

Karen said...

Good use of the fabric. It can be hard to know what to do with it. Good job!