I've been working on the Vintage Challenge quilt for class. This is the one where we work from the fabrics given to us in class as if we were out in the prairie and we couldn't get any more than what we had, plus we had to decide what to put in the center medallion section. I really wanted to use a vintage block, went through what I had, and nothing was right or else I didn't want to pull a single block out of a set, with the exception of this cute pink basket block that was all by its lonesome. I don't even remember having it. Just have to sew the bottom two rows and I'll either be done or I'll add a square diamond border as in our example. Not sure whether to do that or not. The teacher also gave us some indigo scraps to tempt us to make it super scrappy, and instead of putting them in this one, I would enjoy making a small star quilt with those.
Looks like you really stepped up the the challege -- it's just wonderful.
This is just beautiful, I love how simple it is, but so striking! You've done well with this challenge!
Well its just beautiful, Karen. Love the pink basket block in the center, too. Let us know what you decide about the border(s)...
I love this challenge! I should think about challenging myself in the same manner. HMMM - definitely food for thought!
It's really looking great!
Ohh, I like what you have done with your basket-makes me wish I had taken that class, too.
You did a wonderful job with the challenge...I love the center basket.
I really like what you've done with this challenge. The pink basket is perfect in the center. :-)
I've been wanting for a while to do a pink/brown quilt and see so many popping up lately taunting and tempting me. LOL! Guess I'll have to give in soon.
I love what you are doing. And I love the whole idea !! Can't wait to see what you do with the indigos
You knpw with our fabric stashes to hand and lots of lqs's in the near or far vicinity it's easy to forget how precious fabrci must have been to those ladies back then. It's a real tribute to their ingenuity and initiative that so many truly beautiful quilts were produced.
Love 9 patches! Great job!
Hi Karen, what a fun quilt to be making. It's looking so good, I love the block you chose for the center. And such small 9 patches...*VBS* Hugs, Finn
I love the quilt - the pink and brown color scheme is wonderful and I agree that the indigo would look better in its own quilt!
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