Never did I think I would ever say this to people after seven years of misery working in the school system, but with this totally unexpected school relocation, I am working with teachers who have smiles on their faces, who walk up to me and say "you will love working here", and "we have a wonderful principal". Believe me, I have never experienced anything like this in the past seven years (that seem like a hundred). I am stunned at this stroke of good luck.
Am so glad to report that Timothy is back on U.S. soil as of Wednesday night. You can imagine the relief. He got a phone and called Thursday night. That Marines hotline recording said he would be back on Monday evening. What if I had driven the eight hours up there only to discover no Timothy? I would have had to drive back because of work without seeing him. He came back with only a few men; he thinks they forgot about them because they were in Kyrgyzstan for an unseemly length of time before moving on to Germany and were the very last of his group to get back. At his home base barracks, there was no toilet paper or sheets in his room. The door does not lock and the air conditioning unit does not work. They are putting the a/c unit against the door for a lock. He received a small card that thanked him for his service to his country and a gift card from McDonald's. Hm. What is wrong with this picture :-) ?
He says they are terrified of the traffic going by in so many lanes and so fast and that he thinks it will be a long time before he can put a foot on bare ground rather than the tufts of grass that signify no mines underground. What I think is that we should all be nice to one another. I'm just saying.
He will come home on leave September 2nd.
So glad that Tim is back home in the US!!! I remember. We went to pick Jim up for his post-deployment leave. We had to wait a day or two for him to be ready, but we did get to see him a while each day. It was strange to be driving with him, he was still in combat mode, we could see him scanning faces, rooftops, doorways watching for unfriendlies as we drove through Jacksonville aka Marinetown, USA. Give him an extra big hug from another Marine Mom, and one for you too.
I'm so grateful that your Timothy is back on US soil.
I'm very happy for you that your transfer to a different school is fabulous! You deserve it, as it seems you had 7 years bad luck. Did you break a mirror? :-)
Yes we should all be nice to one another, it should be a way of life.
Happy for you!
I am so happy for your new job!! woohoo for loving to go to work...bearable, at least! I am grateful for your Timothy...what a blessing he is OK on US soil!
I am so glad that Timothy is back home; it does seem that he deserves more than a gift card to MacDonalds for what he went through.
Most tourists are terrified of USA traffic too....
Enjoy your new work environment; you erant it!
Love your blocks and I am falling behind with mine.. I'm happy for you that good things are happening in your life.
When I read that Timmy was on home soil I involuntarily exclaimed "Thankyou!". Out loud and all! He reminds me of my boys so much, and I've been praying that he wouldn't be there much longer. Two good things have happened for you, enjoy them both.
A shame that your print of Rose Greenhow didn't work out in the block but I like what you did. So glad to hear your son is safe, i pray for all of our military in harms way.
Your new job and Timmy back in the US are the BESTEST of BEST news ever!!! I am just overjoyed for you double now that Timmy is back. Love your blocks as always:) Happy weekend to you!
It would be nice if there would have been a better "welcome home" but at least he is home safe and sound. Woo-Hoo!!
How wonderful to be working in asuch a happy positive environment.
Lovely quilt blocks Karen.
Your comment about being nice to one another is so true. It is not that difficult!
I can't believe the living conditions those boys had to exist in! Where is that? Can you have your old principal sent there?
Love that last block! Sweet!
Thankful prayers that Timothy is back in the US. I hope the days fly by quickly for you until you are able to see him.
Yeah! I had no idea you were expecting Timmy home this month -that's me skipping around the room happily!
Please send my thanks for his service and for yours, too. Sometimes we forget what those left at home do in an effort to 'keep it all together'.
I am so happy to hear that Timmy is home! You must be breathing much easier now. And doing the happy dance about school, too! Please be sure to let Timmy know that I am humbled by his willingness to serve, and very, very happy that he made it back without a scratch :o)
You couldn't have a better message on your blog than the announcement that Timmy is back on USA soil. I'm so happy for all of you! Please give him an extra hug from this military mom.
My wish is that all mothers and sons have the same story sooner rather than later.
I like the 2nd version of the rosebud block. I've let myself slip behind--again. But they're easy to catch up on with a little dedicated time. Your fabric choices are always so interesting.
Let me add my happy wishes. My thanks go to Tim too. Such good news about day job!!!
I just E-mailed you and then came over here to see if there was an update. I don't get online all the time and when I do I usually read the first few blogs that come up in my reader. Glad to hear that Timothy is back in the good old USA. Yes, there is something wrong with that picture! The word disgrace comes to mind. It shouldn't be that way.
I'm so glad you're enjoying the job!!
I work in an educational institution and have also found one department to be radically different than another. I found my happy home and am glad to see you found one for yourself.
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