and Cozy Home:
Also here are four Pocket Patterns that are part of another class I am teaching at Little Quilts beginning in January: Study in Amish. This class meets four times. Each session deals with stylistic regional differences in Amish quilts, in this case, Lancaster PA, Holmes County OH, Indiana, and Illinois. The patterns come with the classes. I am offering them as a set on my website as well. I'm very excited about this class, so if you are interested and live in the Atlanta area, I hope you will consider signing up :-):
Tuesday, 5am, note found by mother on clipboard (tandem snoring coming from vicinity of day bed and chair):
"Time Unknown
Hi, Mommy, I am here. So is Kyle. He is a Marine in my unit, so it is cool that he stays here. Wake me up before you go anywhere. Love you, Timy" [editor: note that he doesn't even know how to spell his own name anymore]."
next clipboard entry:
"8:30am Thursday
Hello my son, I love you. [editor: sensing there is more to the story] Does Kyle live in Atlanta? It is too early to wake you up. I am taking quilt class samples to LQ and will be back soon. Hope we can go eat when I get back. Love, Mom"
Got back at 11am. Timy was awake but had written the following on the clipboard:
"10:15 Thursday
MaMa, Kyle is from Boston. I do not know what the game plan is [editor: I knew I smelled a story]. Let's do lunch. Love, Timy"
At lunch:
Timothy: "So Kyle flew in from Boston to see this girl. They've been emailing."
Mom: "Had they met before?"
Timothy: "No. So she picked him up at the airport."
Mom: "How did that go?"
Timothy: "Well, she called me to ask where she could drop him off. I thought he was in Boston."
Mom: "How much time was there between picking him up at the airport and calling you?"
Timothy: "About half an hour."
Mom: "Where was Kyle planning to stay?"
Timothy: "With her."
Mom: "Where was she planning for him to stay?"
Timothy: "With me."
Mom: "I wonder what will happen next?"
Timothy: "Can't wait to find out."
I'm a real rucker for your cozy home pattern! It is GOOD!!!
I've always loved reading your blog and seeing your chats with your son. I have 21 year old home from college....I love him...school starts next week. Nuff said! LOL
That's the charming thing about boys, they are always boys no matter how old they get.
Looks like Baby Jesus made a run for it! That Rembrandt! Timy is so funny!
Your patterns are so wonderful! I want to come to your Amish class!
I wish I lived close enough. Your class sounds really interesting. I love quilt history.
Your son's friend is so funny! I wonder what happened in that first half hour. Taryn is right - no matter the age, they're always boys.
The class sounds fun and I'm sure it will be a big hit!!
Boys....ya' gotta love em! LOL
I always adore your posts about Timmy! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story. I'm planning on signing up for the crazy quilt class:) I will schlep all the way OTP northside to Cobb Co just for you:) Rembrandt as always is right in the middle of it all lol! Bless her heart.
Poor Timy, a moment's lack of concentration and he's renamed himself.
My oldest son has a lovely group of mates who've been together since high school. In an email one of them accidentally referred to the group as his 'frids' instead of friends. After teasing the heck out of him they adopted it as their name, and are still called the Frids to this day.
Happy New Year!
happy new year, always love to read your notes, comments between you and Timmy
glad he is home safe and sound
oh dear - I hope the rest of the trip went well for Kyle.
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