Last Sunday, I taught a class at the LQS, "Finishing Your Embroidery"; these are examples:

At the last Repro Divas, we exchanged our swap blocks! This set is from the Morning Group:

and this is our Evening Group swap:

Here are some completed Les Fleurs blocks, mine on the right:

Everybody's quilts are going to be so gorgeous when they are done, and they all look so different from one another.
A disappearing Nine Patch from Repro Divas:

Photos of things that look like letters and assembled into word collages! Found by our leader Kathy Niemann:

Disappearing... presented in table runners:

So cute:

and a final Disappearing...

Wonderful show and tell, Karen. So much talent represented. Thank you for sharing.
awesome snapshots. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a great summer for stitching.
awesome eye candy!
I love the blocks and the fished embroidery pieces are lovely!
what great show and tell - thanks!
You always have the BEST show and tell . . . . such great inspiration at your local shop *s*
This is AWESOME show and tell you have shared! I'm delighted and have been scrolling back and forth seeing if I missed anything! Love it!!
I adore all your class samples for your finishing class!
i loved seeing the quilts! It was so nice to see it all!
A feast of photos! Love the flowers in those blocks.
What a treat getting to see all of the pictures. The applique projects are the best!
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