There has been a lot of Stickle block activity around here lately. I had used virtually every gray, cinnamon, and pink I could possibly scrounge up weeks and weeks ago, but Marcie and Becky came to my rescue. Becky gave me some pinks (not the first one below, that was one of mine and and it is rather too bright) and Marcie gave me grays and cinnamons, thank goodness, so I could forge on with DJs:

And to my astonishment, there are now nine assembled DJ rows:

There is only one more block to make in the next row, but for one who is a DJ Melon Hater, it is a nightmare come to life:

Sixteen. Yish. Would anybody notice if I just drew them on :-) ?
Or, here is its base. I think it looks lovely just like this, don't you? Sort of a beautiful, spare Shaker sensibility. Eh? Eh?

In the meantime,
Marcie (have you seen her gorgeous Inca Gold??) and I are swapping 12 Spool Blocks:

Wow, you and Mz Stickle have been having a ton of fun. Your blocks look wonderful. OK, grab a background fabric and your box of Crayolas to make the melon block - I won't tell. LOL
Your precision in the third one down is mind-boggling to me! They are all great though. I often look at the Dear Jane photos of others and think the quilts look lovely but I know I'd as soon eat it as make it- it would look worse than a car wreck if I ever took it on!!
So I ADMIRE you VERY much!
You fabric selection is lovely. Great progress on DJ!
I have some of the background fabric you used in your top spool block. I've ignored it cuz I didn't know what to pair it with. You have a great combination there. Maybe I'll find something similar at the bottom of one of my (way too many) boxes of repro fabrics.
Your DJ blocks are lovely. Love the fabrics and yes, Ihate the melon blocks too!
Your piecing and color choices for your blocks just amaze me. Just beautiful!!
Would you look at how big that quilt is getting! I am so impressed! I am happy to see a few of my little prints included because that is as far as I will ever get with Dear Jane! Can't wait to get my hands on those little spools!
Oh man, your blocks are AWESOME!
Wow you are really moving along. Some of the blocks you have completed are much more challenging than a few melons. Melons are a snap. Your piecing is great. I love your fabric choices
The blocks are amazing and I have complete faith in you that the melons will turn out just as perfect as your other blocks!!
I look at those beautiful blocks and think I will never be as good as you! They are beautiful! I love the pink!
I am looking for blue or any color ticking material. My Underground Railroad quilt is almost finished and I would like to use it as the background. Where did you find your ticking? I can't find any around here.
Did you see the 2 nice comments on my blog about your little quilt girls?
Not meaning to be an enabler or anything . . . . . but, did you notice that there are melons on the center fabric. Doesn't that count?
Look at you go with all the DJ blocks! Have fun with the melons!
I have already decided to skip that block with the 16 tiny melons. I have learned how to do the 'big' melons so that they look good. Not these tiny ones! I am substituting in another traditional block and I am happy with this.
Beautiful blocks!
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