So, it's been a lovely break, but now it's time to head off to Day Job in half an hour. During break, got the carpet, padding, furring strips, and staples out of two bedrooms and a hallway, along with a start on the living room a.k.a. sewing room and finishing cleaning up carpet removal from the stairs. That is very satisfying and pretty good for a person with shoulders that obviously should have had rotator cuff surgery years ago.
The furniture needed to be moved out for this operation, of course, which led to rearrangement of the furniture in my bedroom and the library (the other bedroom). I moved these glass-door bookcases upstairs into my bedroom, along with lots of books and got the entire book collection as a whole rearranged. Very happy to have this done, and that took another day.

I went without television for a few months this fall, and for the year before that, had been losing channels steadily due to Comcast's changes. So when I got AT&T with scads of channels even in its basic version, along with its dandy DVR installed shortly before vacation began, I was thrilled and glutted myself on TV, searching for and recording shows that I hadn't seen for ages or hadn't seen at all. Definite funtime :-).
What I did quilting-wise can't be shown for one reason or another. Oh OK you can see the latest Stickle; is that a thrill or what??

Really can't show this one, but it is an entire quilt top, construction of which consumed all of one of my 18 vacation days:

This is a detail from the challenge project for Repro Divas:
This is a detail from the third Les Fleurs du Jardin block, which, I am horrified to realize, consumed four days of work:

Did not get to everything on the Quilting To Do list, needless to say, but that will just roll over to January's goals.
Welcome back to blog land! You were busy! I can't believe you ripped out all that carpet. You sould have waited for Tim to come home - he will be all beefed up after boot camp! Thanks for the "hints" of your quilting. Now I want to see more!
It looks to me like you got an amazing amount accomplished!!!
I can't wait to see your challenge quilt with George Washington.
You got a lot done! I love you most recent block. Well done!
Jennifer :)
You have been a busy bee! I like the Jane block very much. Good fabric choice and placement!
It sounds like you need a break from your break. I am jealous of all the stitching time you had. I had 18 days off, as well, but barely made it to my sewing much less the carpet ripping and furniture moving you accomplished. Can't wait for the big reveal of your projects.
Lucky I wasn't there to help you. I would have made you relax more. Your room looks great! I know you feel good getting so much done, and sewing too! Nice going!
holycow karen...
way to make everyone else on earth feel like a that you have recreated your own world...can you get started on world peace and hunger?
oh i am dying to see what you did with old george...
(i'm intrigued by that little glimpse)
i just took mine out today...i have a plan...and a sketch...and it involves orange...
I don't personally know of any motels, but I think you'd better get a reservation made quickly before they fill up.
Did you get those bookshelves up there by yourself??? You got a lot're making me look bad.
Your Stickle is a thrill! Such a fun block.
Welcome back!
The fabrics in your Stickle block are absolutely stunning!
You got so much accomplished! I love your block so much!
Lovely stickle block..... and all that rearranging too! You got quite a bit done for a few weeks.
I think this is the year I"m going to bite the bullet and start Dear Jane. I love the fabric in this block - that is my color! We will see how this goes!
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