I'm so happy (although I've been sick for a week); a week off and a golden opportunity to catch up on several Quilting Projects. First is getting caught up with DJ blocks:

Here are the three Second Saturday Sampler Feedsack blocks so far, the pint-size DJ versions (SSS being 10" this year, pint-size being 4-1/2"):

Rembrandt's surely got the drop on Gaston this time:

Why I keep red bedspreads on my chairs:

Ol' Shark Eyes:

***ding ding ding*** Thank you all for ordering patterns, you are Divine!***ding ding ding***
What fabric did you use for your background in your dj quilt?
Great blocks as always!!!! That little Rembrandt--she must always be on the go and getting into something. I wish I had covered my furniture since my 2 younger cats-Edgar and Stella-have torn it up with their craziness. Enjoy your spring break!!!!!!!
I love your crazy Rembrandt pictures. She looks like my kitties when they get going. I just haven't been smart enough to cover my chairs with beadspreads yet. :(
I love Rembrandt - she's just adorable. I wish I had just one third of her energy ... perhaps a little less of the crazy eyes tho!
Pint-size Dear Jane blocks? I thought they were already pint sized? Does this mean the other ones are bigger or smaller than the DJ blocks? If they are smaller then, wow, I take my hat off to you :-)
Pixel always says why bother to jump...when you can just claw your way up the sofa??? Seems to be Rembrant's way of moving around too!
Enjoying your piece work (as always) and now, now I don't feel so bad for living with protectors so the cats and I can live with some semblance of order. Have claws, will cover!
Crazy Rembrandt! What a handful. Love the DJ blocks and pint size DJ? Wow!
Rembrandt knows that it is the job of any respectable house cat to claw the furniture!!
BTW, got my pattern yesterday. I might just work on it over spring break. Thanks!!
I didn't now you were sick...what a bummer.
Yes, we keep our furniture covered too for the same reason. Ahhhh...aren't they cute? Keep reminding yourself. That's what I do.
Love the DJ blocks.... they look great..and that cat is too funny.
LOVE those feedsack blocks! Those are wonderful! The DJ are great too!
I love the way you've used the stripe in the border triangle, very effective. And how good of you to use red bedspreads, I'm sure Rembrandt knows they set off her colouring perfectly....
Your blocks are fantastic!
One day I'm going to try a DJ...I just started quilting in Oct so I have a long way to go but it is something to look forward to!
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