I have so many projects I want to work on. It's fun to work on quilting after last week.
Now here's a question for you. How did they construct this Ocean Waves (I guess it's reasonable to call this an Ocean Waves) quilt? Going either one way or another, you would assemble the little squares. But the "connecting" squares are full squares, they aren't triangles. At least they look full to me. So they must have done set-in seams to connect the long sections??
Oh wait I think I see it. They assembled square sections of small squares, then it works without (horrors) set-in seams.
Bravo to your Dear Jane's...I hope my points turn out as well as yours! About those waves...I'm not the gal to figure that out but it's gorgeous to look at.
Karen your DJ look so good! Mine are hibernating for the winter.
I love that quilt you are working on. Looks too hard for me though but I like your color selection.
You analyze quilts like I do. First I think it's done one way and then I look again and see something else. It's exhausting. LOL Good job on Dear ol Jane.
At first glance I thought it was an Irish Chain, but the HSTs... Well, it sure is unusual. Looks well loved also. Set in seams?
Those DJ blocks are knock outs.
Hi Karen, loved your Dear Jane blocks, sorry, not able to help you with the Ocean Waves. Regards Lyn
Can you believe about a year ago I saw a quilt exactly like this and wanted to buy it, but didn't have the cash and ever since then thought about it! Isn't it great!
Ah - set in seams aren't so bad . . . . just take a deep breath and dive in *s*
Love the DJ's.
Ohh, I love that fabric in the top DJ. Makes me happy the way you pieced that center flower. Lovely.
Interesting blocks! You do great work. niki in az
Well, now I'm totally confused. I would have thought this was some sort of Irish Chain. So I did a search for Ocean Waves and it's not at all what I thought Ocean Waves was -- I wish I could find a picture of the Ocean Waves pattern I have in my mind. My Ocean waves searches turned up something similar to this: http://mccallsquilting.com/legacy/vintage05_pattern//index.html which is a little different from your quilt -- it has triangles as opposed to squares. The pattern I was thinking of is all triangles or squares, but when you look at it, they look like rounded pieces which I thought was the reason it was called ocean waves -- it looks like it's oscillating. Very interesting!
I have a couple of Ocean waves from Pennsylvania. I had to take out the graph paper and really think hard to be able to reproduce it without a set in seam but it is possible!
I'll try and post some photos this weekend.
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