[an old photo taken at the Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill back in the 70s]
I heard a few chirps of disappointment from fellow swapees that the basket design had been changed for the Jo Morton swap, so I girded my quilting loins...
...and made the original baskets, while listening for inspiration to one of my favorite shows, PBS' "The Shakers", about ten times over. As Mother Ann Lee said, "do all your work as though you had a thousand years to live and as you would if you knew you must die tomorrow". And they're done!
Ohhh good for you! Way to make it happen.
holy moly.....girl......you have lost your mind.....(but in a good way)......the blocks look awesome.....
is it tuesday yet?......
Oh they are just gorgeous, they are so perfect and only 6". I love the fabric, especially the basket bottom ones, I am just starting to collect these type of fabrics.
Your blocks are simply beautiful!
Are you going to offer this as a pattern?
Oh my - they just couldn't be any more delicious *s*
Awesome blocks! I look forward to seeing more of this quilt.
I want to see more too!
You have been very busy. Well done.
The blocks are amazing. Great work.
What is the thingy that is holding the blocks up right?
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