
Theorem Painting

Went to the most enjoyable class at the LQS taught by the resident Baltimore Applique teacher, Wanda. Shading in Oil Pastels. All present enjoyed this class so much. The shading is done by smearing the oil crayon media on to the fabric from a window template. Here are my creations.

A classmate, Kathy, was busily making her own sihouette boyfriend; she kindly made the one below for me. A boyfriend! Thank goodness, I've been wanting one of those.


*karendianne. said...

How neat!

Kathy is funny. I really like your boyfriend. Just the kind we all need. ;)

Libby said...

What a great technique!

mereth said...

This looks absolutely fascinating and fun as well. There are some amazing techniques around, where do we get the time to try them all?

Jeanne said...

Giggling about the boyfriend!
Jeanne :)

Marilyn Robertson said...

That looks like a fun technique! Cute boyfriend! *G*

meggie said...

So many wonderful things to do!! So little time!
What an interesting technique. Love the *rich* boyfriend concept!