Jack and I are kindred spirits in the Lazing Around Like a Slug department lately (but seriously is this not the dearest, albeit rather eerie cat?). Tonight is the first Jo Morton class in two months. Am I ready with my quilt? Have I even started?
Here I am frantically trying to get at least the top together in the closing hours. And really, I just want to lay around and read the new Ann Rule book.
I love green! And I have that leaf fabric - hmm, never saw the other one in green! I have it in gold! Hope your class is fun! I love that block, I can't wait to see the finished product!
Jack sure is a cutie. I'd like to cuddle up with him.
The greens you have chosen are fantastic. Can't wait to see the top!!
Thanks for reminding me.....I have to get my class sample done for this month! LOL! I'd better get on the stick, but I'm with you and Jack; I'd rather just lie around!
Cute kitty!
And what bloody killer did she write about this time?
Jack is cute stuff. Nothing like leaving it to the lst minute! Good luck getting it done. I love all the little Jo Morton quilts on the LQ blog yesterday.
Somedays are just like that - and a new Ann Rule book. Who wouldn't be tempted. But then the fabric calls . . .
Jack is just adorable! Love your fabrics.
Hi Jack! (Mum says NEBER say DAT onna plane!)
You looks cozy dere. Did you see enny birds???
Me an Chelsea an Mum sends our love.
Yor Friend,
work expands to the time allotted...smile....
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