Sigh. I'm not being a very good Civil War Purist with these blocks. Realized too late that the shirting background isn't CW era. Also this is supposed to be a Confederate block but I wanted to use the red "Union" motifs. Renegade Quilter. Runaway Leg Quilter. Timmy used to do this routine when he was little where one leg would run off with him with the rest of his body following. We both found this hilarious. He may not be doing Runaway Leg in Afghanistan, but I did get this email a few weeks ago:
I assure you, I did indeed send my letter home. From the timestamp on the letters I've been sending/recieving it looks like it takes about a month for a letter to make the trek one way or another. You should get it sometime soon. I finally got a fat stack of letters from you about a week ago, so I was glad to finally get them and hear about the homefront. It sounds like you might be worse off in ATL than I am in AFG.
Despite all the personal setbacks, I'm glad to hear that the quilting spectrum of your life is going well. Sorry to hear that I wasn't home to wield the shovel to bury Stray Cat. It might have been for the best; I'm sure you gave him a more sanctimonious funeral than I would have. For some reason or another I thought about that time we went fishing and we accidentally bought the live shrimp for bait and had to use the spatula to properly hook them on the line. Neither one of us were too enthused. [editor's note: we flattened and immobilized the shrimp with the spatula, then hooked them amid much angst. Shrimp jump, you know.]
AFG is going fine. We've spent the last couple days escorting my new man-crush "John" around the countryside. John works in the awesomely named Human Exploitation Team, which is some branch of Marine Corps intelligence that focuses on human intelligence networks. As far as I can tell, John's whole job is to go around interrogating Afghanis and being awesome. Part James Bond, part grizzled CIA shadow warrior, John epitomizes my dream job. The kind of man you expect to walk around with a suitcase handcuffed to his wrist.
John did indeed manage to capture a confirmed Taliban member. This guy was acting suspicious as we were searching his compound (mud hut), so John started looking through the guy's cellphone.
So our new friend was flexcuffed and blindfolded. Baker and I ended up drawing the unfortunate post of Detainee Guards. Halfway through our shift on Detainee Watch 2011, our buddy started yelling something in Pashtu and gesturing with his bound hands. We couldn't figure out what he wanted, so we pulled out our pocket Pashtu/English translation book. I asked "Are you hungry?" He responds with a negative sounding grunt. "Are you thirsty?" Another negative sounding grunt. So I find a phrase that asks "Is it time for prayer?" I figure maybe this guy needs to pray, so I decide to ask him. Unfortunately I missread the phrasebook and accidentally said, in a loud frustrated tone, "You are a prisoner of the United States!" He started crying. It was basically Abu Ghraib all over again.
Love you Mama,