
Stickle Squares, Ils Sont Fini

That's it for the DJ square blocks, all done and assembled:

Even the Multi-Melon:

Well, it feels nice to have the center section done. Twenty-six triangles to go, oh, and the four corners.


Still More Stickles

Twelve rows completely done, if it weren't for that pesky Multi Melon block; have six of the sixteen beeny things appliqued on though.


Stickle Shindig

There has been a lot of Stickle block activity around here lately. I had used virtually every gray, cinnamon, and pink I could possibly scrounge up weeks and weeks ago, but Marcie and Becky came to my rescue. Becky gave me some pinks (not the first one below, that was one of mine and and it is rather too bright) and Marcie gave me grays and cinnamons, thank goodness, so I could forge on with DJs:

And to my astonishment, there are now nine assembled DJ rows:

There is only one more block to make in the next row, but for one who is a DJ Melon Hater, it is a nightmare come to life:
Sixteen. Yish. Would anybody notice if I just drew them on :-) ?

Or, here is its base. I think it looks lovely just like this, don't you? Sort of a beautiful, spare Shaker sensibility. Eh? Eh?

In the meantime, Marcie (have you seen her gorgeous Inca Gold??) and I are swapping 12 Spool Blocks:


Covet the Clogs

You know those cute clogs that are on Renee Plains' blog?

I coveted them every time I read her blog. As I strolled through the secondhand shop yesterday, with such treasures as a pair of black Ralph Lauren jeans for $1.50 and two perfect tops already in my cart, what should my unbelieving eyes see but those same clogs, in perfect condition, and were they in my size? Yes, they were!
Are these Renee's cast-off clogs? What size does she wear?? Ah well, they are mine now, and talk about luck :-).

Absolutely fell in love with Ann Champion's cheddar doll quilt this morning and knew I must make one, too:
I was planning to slavishly copy it in every way, but now am wondering if I might put something else around it next instead of the round of flying geese. A third color? More stars? Not sure.


Rembrandt Raids...

As Rembrandt gets out the Valentine's Day chocolates so we can have a tasty snack (I assume I am included in this raid), Rembrandt and I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day:


Show and Tell - Repro Divas

The snow began in Atlanta:

and continues:

Show and Tell from Repro Divas last Tuesday:

And our Heart Swap (first photo taken by our leader K., morning group):

This is what I got! Reverse has pockets and needle felts:

I forgot to take a picture of mine! It is a heart with cross stitched sampler on it that I digitized in PatternMaker.

Latest Stickle:

There's more Show and Tell from Morning Group, but I'll save that for next time phewie.