So I put a blouse on her. She was not happy:
Finally got a start on the Whig Rose applique for the next Jo's Little Women class. Not my forte but I like it so far. Oh, the A word. This block will finish at 10" square.
Have been doing some hiking lately in north Georgia. This is looking off Black Rock Mountain:

This is on the Tallulah Gorge walk; looks rather quilty, does it not?

This is Anna Ruby Falls with Timmy. He has a tan from being in Florida recently with friends. He also has hair, which the ROTC Marines at Georgia Tech will soon shear off him. Dang, I love his pretty blonde hair:

Ohhh that dear little kitty. My kids play dress up with the kitties on a regular basis. I never thought of doing it for that reason!
I wish I was so flexible *S*
I'm sure that if she knew you were going to put that blouse on her she would have stopped... the fashion police is now looking for her, and I think she knows it...just look at her sad eyes, she's hoping her friends don't read your blog! LOL!!!
i love that kitty. She so reminds me of my torties i have had, especially my second one Stimpy who died when she was one. She has the same sort of personality I see in Rembrandt. I laughed out loud (so GOOD when you get to do that ) when I saw the blouse photos. Ill show it to hubby (also a tortie cat person ) when he gets home.
have a great day. Ps Love your blog
Crafty cherry
She looks adorable! I think she needs a skirt too!
Ha! I was wondering the other day how your GT son is doing! That kitty pic with the shirt is too cute!
Kitty is so cute in her little ruffly blouse! Your scenic pics are lovely!
She looks so cute in the blouse, I bet she couldn't wait to get it off. I finished the applique block but still have the hour glass blocks to finish. You have a good start on yours.
Me an Chelsea neber sawd a cat wearing cloves befor...jus dogs wiff swedders!
Oh Rembrandt in a blouse--too funny! Bless her heart!
hmmmm...did u just happen to have this blouse on hand for her? My imagination was spinning til I realized probably a doll
Oh I bet she was NOT happy! I'm still looking for a good picture of my old cat to show you!
Rembrandt is soo cute! Applique is lovely.
O yes, once it was get a haircut... now it is please don't!!
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