This has been laying around for months or possibly years, so really it's thrilling to finally have it assembled.
Rembrandt and I were working together in the basement. I was so surprised to see that she had carried her nail upstairs:
She certainly is fond of her toys. She collects them and stores them in the bottom cubicle of her kitty tower. She especially likes my chalk and bit of towel to use as chalkboard eraser. She also found some attractive fabric and a Christmas lights hook:
Jack staring ominously at Rembrandt:
Beautiful! And your cat is so funny... a toy collector :o)
I love your Jo's quilt. I have that one started and now I'm inspired to pull it out and start working on it again. Rembrandt is such a great, fun kitty! I think she is part raven since ravens collect things too. Too funny!
She might be a distant relative of Tigger, who I recently blogged about! I love your kitty pics, as well as your quilts!
That isn't Rembrandt in the last photo is it? Such a funny cat. I love that she brought the nail up the stairs for her kitty cache.
Now that's a talented kittie and a very lovely quilt!
In Australia we have a bird called a "Bower Bird" and the male builds a bower of twigs and then collects pretty things like bottle tops and stones and bits of plastic to woo the lady of the species. (They particularly love vivid blue things.)
Rembrandt's collection of treasures reminds me of this,how touching that she stores it all in one place.And the little quilt is looking great, gotta love Jo Morton....
What a great little quilt! My cat Brownie is a hoarder too. She particularly likes shiney things like thimbles and silk pieces. About every month or so she changes her stash hiding place...right now it is under the sofa but don't tell anyone!
Ooooh, Prairie Basket is gorgeous!!! Love Jo's patterns. And your furry friends are so pretty. A toy hoarder, hmmm.....
The quilt id just beautiful. Are you certain that your cat isn't part ferret? They are notorious hoarders!!
This is gorgeous! I love everything about it!!
I am making my blog rounds once again after a long absence. I have always liked your quilting style and this quilt is so pretty. I love your applique work. You did an awesome job. Like your kitties to.
This is so gorgeous! I have loved all the kitty pictures - Rembrandt is a real cutie!
I don't remember if I commented on your blog before, but I meant to! I love your kitties and keeping up with their antics. Rembrandt is so lucky to have been found by Jack. He is obviously a Good Samaritan-cat.
Love the Prarie Basket -- how pretty! Rembrandt is so cute -- Scruff would probably eat all those things rather than play with them -- what a good kitty Rembrandt is!
Fantastic job on the Prairie Basket quilt. I'd love to make that one "someday". Such a cute kitty collecting things...too funny.
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