The Pennsylvania Stars Around the Garden quilt so far. Had to piece the remaining strips of the Michael Miller red-and-chartreuse fabric like mad to do the center section. Hence doesn't look as good as it could. Maybe somebody will respond to the ad for it and I can re-do it. Amazingly, I looked through my stash stack of solid fabrics and found another full yard of the brown mottled fabric; so I was able to finish the about luck. Did one block over to fix the colors. Did one block early in the top row so that I could see how they would look all sewn together. Anyway, I'm back to liking this set of blocks. They were in peril for a while there.
Peg, a finish! Two done for the July Challenge. This is my Christmas quilt. Did the binding on both sides by machine and it looks just fine. Never had the nerve to do that before.

The next three Dear Janes. It's nice to have one of the ones done that have so many pieces.
If I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, Happy Fourth of July to all of you American bloggers and blogger-readers!
Wow! The Pennsylvania Star quilt is coming along so well. Very creative setting!
Great stippling on your Christmas quilt...congratulations on the finish..Your DJ blocks look fantastic, a lot of work in those little babies...
Happy 4th Karen
Enjoy your day
Happy 4th of July! The piecing of the red-and-chartreuse fabric will only give your quilt charm!
Love the Penn the christmas all of it...Happy 4th!
I always love seeing your DJ blocks, if only I could be inspired to work on a few of my own. And I love the hand quilting in the last post, you really do beautiful work.
Wow, you have been so productive since I was last able to check in on your blog! Beautiful work--as always.
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