Crunch time to decide what to put in the centers of the two colorways for Stars Around the Garden (not to mention the borders). Shelved the lattice idea for the Pennsylvania version. Now what to do. A straightforward Mariner's Compass?

A more intriguing Mariner's Compass?

A Whig Rose?

The Blue and Brown version. Decided on the sashing and perhaps will do the center version as shown in the pattern...

Two Dear Janes...

Love the brown fabric in the DJ block. I vote for the whig rose version of your top quilt!
I Vote for the blue and brown version--- something you don't see every day.
I love the more advanced mariners compass setting... love the colors and the angles of the MC goes with the stars in the blocks
just mho :)
It looks like you've been getting a lot done recently.
I prefer the more intriguing mariner's compass but the whig rose is nice too. The blue and brown is a great combination. Our first living room (in the mid70s) was done in that combination and I really liked it.
I love the brown DJ block!!! Nice fussy cutting!
I like the blue and brown quilt; if it were mine, I would do a fancy trapunto in the center and lots of beautiful decorative quilting to enhance it.
Gosh, I like them all but I guess the Blue and Brown really caught my eye.
Love your creativty!
As Usual, You're Inspiring Love, *karendianne./ Living Life at LeeHaven
The blue and brown one is interesting, but I think I'm going to opt for the Whig Rose one.
My choice would be the more intriguing Mariner's Compass, but personally I would do the Whig Rose because I love to applique. The blue and brown looks different and interesting. It will look great no matter what you do!
My favorite is "a more intriguing Mariner's Compass" although I do like the brown and blue color combination.
I vote for "more intriguing".
Your DJ blocks are great!
One more vote for the Rose!
My vote is for the more intriguing Mariner's Compass too!
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