
Unfinished Homework

First, thank you ALL so much for your well wishes concerning my son, it just warms my heart to know I can post to the blog when there's good news and hear from friends.

Oh, arrrrrrrr, Jo Morton Club class tonight and I did not finish my homework. Truly made an effort to make the 12 5x5ers last night and this morning before work, got them done, but the two horizontal sets are too wide to attach to the central portion, so must re-do. Arrrrrrgh. I'm gonna get a bad grade in class.
Oh, blogger. Why do they have the "remember me" box to click when it doesn't work? Does everybody else have to sign in each time they want to edit their blog? And of course, there are the times when it doesn't let you sign in at all and you just repeatrepeat until it gives up and lets you in.
My Rowenta has stopped heating. Does anybody have an iron they like that gets really hot?
WW: 190.8/158.0/130


Gail said...

Oohhh, bad student, didn't to her homework!! LOL see you tonight. I love my Black and Decker

Melanie said...

Sewing before work in the morning...Man-- you're good. It's all I can do to get my contacts in.LOL.

Anonymous said...

I bought a $25 G.E (I think) earlier this year and love it. I refuse to spend a lot of money on an iron and have only owned 2 in the 15 years of quilting. Those 'cheapies' seem to last forever for me.

Anonymous said...

I'm having the exact same problem with blogger!

Peg said...

Hi, I was having the same problems logging in. After several hrs of searching the help site and getting ready to throw the commi through the window I hit on a helpful comment which works. When you try logging in right click and 'open in new window' and you will be able to proceed. I have to do this everytime now, so much for new technology :o) Love you blog by the way.

Malagueta said...

Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous--takes my breath away! The border is fantastic and really pops the center(I would probably cheat and add a mini-border to the left and right of the center). Thank you so much for sharing it.

Quilts And Pieces said...

OH I love your 5x5er - I've been thinking of doing that one for ages now. I guess I should get going!