They were waiting for us. Recently, I've been depending on my black fat pants to get me through the week. I had several tops I enjoyed wearing with them, especially a lightweight brown and white polka dot ruffly top. Then one morning the pants disappeared. I can't find them anywhere. I'd like to report that they got left behind on some big date, but for starters, I would hope I wouldn't wear Fat Pants on a big date. No, they have somehow just gone and I must scour the secondhand store for another pair.
Just prior to this, Rembrandt was running along the curtains next to the ceiling, so you can imagine her mood if you couldn't tell from her pop eye:
Just look at this!! It is my House Party pattern made by a Second Saturday Sampler Little Quilts patron, who put the SSS blocks into the house pattern. As a matter of fact, I was working in the shop when she chose the fabrics and then I happened to be working at the Show and Tell for SSS and there it was. Doesn't it look great?
Stickle blocks...